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Segway Tour in RigaSegway Tour in Riga is the best alternative to walking and bus tours.

We are happy to offer you fascinating tours on segways along the streets of the Old Town of Riga with a professional guide who will show you the sights, the historical monuments and all the most beautiful places that Riga can offer you. We are also glad to offer you segway tours in Sigulda and Jurmala.

And for those who love the traditional kind of tours we can organize Old Riga Walking Tours throughout the narrow streets of the Riga.


Segway Rent

Segway Rent in Riga

Guarantee deposit

Passport + 200€


All year round


 35 €/pp (1 hour)

Old Riga & Parks

Old Riga & Parks Segway Tour


1 hour


Guided Tour


Tour Guide System


All year round

 LanguagesEN, DE, RU

45 €/pp

Old Riga, Parks & Art Nouveau

Old Riga, Parks & Art Nouveau Segway Tour in Riga


2 hours 


Guided Tour 


Tour Guide System 


All year round 

 LanguagesEN, DE, RU

70 €/pp

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We, the team of Riga Weekend company, truly believe that Latvia is the best country in the world to visit. And our mission and our main goal is to get more people know this through their personal experience. To this end, we founded our company, created this webpage and worked for many years in the tourist market, offering the best of Latvia for our clients.
